Current Projects
R34 Aim 2
This research study aims to modify and evaluate the acceptability and preliminary effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Suicide Prevention for psychosis (CBSPp), a promising intervention requiring protocol and implementation modifications to increase its utility in community mental health (CMH). Adults with SSPD and SI/A within 3 months of screening (n=60) will be enrolled and randomized to CBSPp or SAU. One specific aim of this study is to assess whether modified CBSPp is associated with reductions in SI/A (primary outcome), symptoms of psychosis, depression, and emergency/hospital service use over time. Compared to SAU, the CBSPp group will experience significant reductions in SI/A (H1), symptoms of psychosis (H2), symptoms of depression (H3), and emergency/hospital service use (H4). Another specific aim is to assess whether modified CBSPp is associated with clinical (hopelessness, defeat, and entrapment) and cognitive improvements (information processing biases, appraisals, and schemas) over time.
This project is focused in inpatient environment experience with a focus on suicide prevention safety. We are hoping to gain insights in factors that make people feel more and less safe on the unit
(pertaining to suicide prevention safety), with a goal of identifying meaningful strategies and safeguards that can be put into place here at Michigan Medicine and beyond. Our plan is to administer
a survey and qualitative interview to collect data from adults on 9C who are nearing discharge and evaluate findings to make a contribution to both research and practice. The research in this area (environmental safety on an inpatient unit) is very underdeveloped, and we strongly believe our project can fill an important gap.
Principal Investigator: Lindsay Bornheimer
Co-Investigator: David Im
Completed Projects
R34 Aim 1
This study modified and evaluated the acceptability and preliminary effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Suicide Prevention for psychosis (CBSPp), a promising intervention requiring protocol and implementation modifications to increase its utility in community mental health (CMH). Further innovations were informed by engagement with stakeholders (clients, staff, providers, directors, and leaders) in CMH to review and gain feedback on modifications.
We then tested acceptability, feasibility, fidelity, and preliminary effectiveness of the modified CBSPp. The study aimed to: 1) modify CBSPp for clients with schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders (SSPD) receiving CMH services, and 2) evaluate the feasibility and preliminary effectiveness of modified CBSPp in a randomized trial in comparison to services-as-usual (SAU).
Principal Investigator: Lindsay Bornheimer
Co-Investigators: Cheryl King, Stephan Taylor, Joseph Himle
Psych Autopsy
With suicide being a critical public health concern, there is a lack of research among SSD samples involving suicide death and psychological autopsies are an underutilized methodology that can be useful in research to inform suicide prevention efforts. This study aimed to examine demographic and clinical characteristics of individuals who experienced psychosis symptoms in their lifetime and died by suicide versus natural or accidental causes. Data were collected from 57 adults who died between 1989 and 2017 in a Midwestern region of the United States. Adults in this study were part of a larger multi-site autopsy study of people who died in an urban county of Ohio. Psychological autopsies were completed under the support of the local county medical examiner’s office, including data collection from medical records, legal records, medical examiner reports, and toxicology results of the deceased at time of death.
Principal Investigator: Lindsay Bornheimer
Co-Investigators: Courtney Bagge, James Overholser, Craig A. Stockmeier
This study examined the relationships between demographic characteristics, clinical characteristics (e.g., depression) service utilization, and suicidality (suicidal ideation, plan, and attempt) among adolescents and young adults in transitional ages (late teens through young adulthood; 14-29). Our aim was to examine these relationships among patients who have visited psychiatric emergency services (PES), the Emergency Department (ED), and/or received care on an inpatient psychiatric unit since 2005 within medical record data using Datadirect and EMERSE (review of data collected for clinical care in MiChart). Our goal was to increase understandings of the prevalence of suicidality among patients in transitional ages and identify risk factors and protective factors within this specific population. These data were analyzed and disseminated, ultimately informing future efforts to seek external funding to conduct a primary study in PES, the ED, or inpatient psychiatric units to both examine and inform suicide assessment and prevention treatment efforts.